2025 Quick Erase懶人包,推薦清單整理


Download Quick Erase

Quick Erase is a software utility which helps individuals remove unwanted files and folders from your computer, without leaving a trace.

InnoRobust™ Data Security

Quick Erase. Time is of the essence if your data is in danger of being compromised. When executed, Quick Erases will delete the data content of your SSD ...

Quick Erase

It instructs a drive to perform a block erase on all memory blocks containing user data, even if they are not user accessible. SP Industrial SSDs support ACS-2/ ...

Quick Erase

Quick Erase is a versatile tool that helps insure that any information you choose to remove will permanently stay gone. It is an incredibly effective way to ...

Quick Erase-Cervoz

Quick erase is a function that deletes all data stored on the module within seconds of being activated. Once data has been erased, the module is restored to its ...

Reliably Erasing Data from an SSD

It instructs a drive to perform a block erase on all memory blocks containing user data, even if they are not user accessible. SP Industrial SSDs support ACS-2/ ...

Rizone Quick Erase 檔案銷毀- 部落格

2012年5月4日 — Rizone Quick Erase 是一款功能強大卻又小巧精美(約500 KB) 的檔案銷毀軟體,它發行至今受到許多媒體及電腦雜誌公開推薦及評選為五星級的工具軟體例如 ...

不自量力のWeithenn: 個人機密檔案銷毀利器

2012年4月19日 — Quick Erase 是一款功能強大卻又小巧精美(約500 KB) 的檔案銷毀軟體,它發行至今受到許多媒體及電腦雜誌公開推薦及評選為五星級的工具軟體例如Softpedia ...

如何分辨快速抹除vs 完整抹除

硬碟抹寫法主要又分成六種:快速抹除、完整抹除、3次DoD、7次DoD、安全抹除及增強式安全抹除。 我們平常最常使用的資料刪除方式便是把檔案丟到「資源回收桶」,再透過不 ...


2011年3月18日 — 而另一種Quick Erase指令,一樣是將SSD資料抹寫,但只是將區塊中的資料給清除。執行完後,使SSD能夠重複使用。而Quick Erase一顆128GB的SSD,大約需55秒。